Monday, July 21, 2008


Your hand in is at the end of your session.

We will meet at start of your session and have a short crit.
You will then have the rest of the session to finish up. So if there is any thing you need to have clarified be prepared to make your inquiry at the beginning of class.

For those still not on the student list (if you are not on there you will be seen to be absent)
send the url plus your tutor name to


In your settings, go to formatting, there at the top of the page you will be able to see where you can change the number of posts per page. Change the number to 4.

Copy the material needed for hand in and paste into new posts.

Remember, blogger reads in reverse chronological order so your last post will be the first one on your page and will be the very first impression we will get.

Look at the assessment criteria and hand in template further down this blog.

Four Final Posts

Note: use your titles creatively to introduce each post.

+Picture and image from past.
+Composite image showing interaction with a network.
+Vlog showing process (captions for these two post less than 20 words)
+Review of your comments and responses within th 112 community

The review of your online activity from networking with other 112 blog sites. This is a summary of what comments you made to whom, and why, and a summery of any comments that that others made on your site. Use less than 100 words.

(remember the lurking task was research task only and is not needed for the hand in. But draw on that experience as you write your review)